Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Hari 3 - #30haribercerita

People who tend to be funny, they have fought for loosing, and try so hard to apply ikhlas as their guide to live.

People who always sabr in every situation that seems unfair for themselves, it doesnt because they are angel, they just know how to change their emotion into positive mind.

Found those quotes from my friend's story.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Hari 2 - #30haribercerita

Resolusi lain 2017: Mendapat pekerjaan

Well, I think I should revise this resolution to be my 2018 resolution hahaha. Ya, as I said before, I've been graduated then now I'm in the jobseeking phase.

Become jobseeker is not as easy as I thought before, there are so many pressure even it was from your sourrounding or it came from yourself.

Kamu dituntut untuk menjadi seseorang yang suit to the company you were applied to, dan kamu harus manage yourself not to hope too much ketika kamu "naik satu level" di setiap proses rekrutmen. Dan ketika kamu melihat temanmu yang berjuang bersama ternyata akhirnya diterima lebih dahulu, kamu harus benar-benar ikhlas, disini kerasa bener kalau ikhlas itu kayak surat Al-Ikhlas yang gak ada kata ikhlas di dalamnya.

Kemudian saya menyadari, sebulan lagi kampus saya akan meluluskan beberapa mahasiswanya lagi dan itu berarti fresh graduate akan bertambah, semoga sebelum mereka diluluskan saya dikasih pekerjaan dulu ya sama Tuhan.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Hari 1 - #30haribercerita

Resolusi 2017: LULUS

Alhamdulillaah, gak nyangka juga resolusi yang itu bisa terwujud. Masih gak nyangka juga ternyata I made it through the ups and downs in chemical engineering life. The struggle was real and I still can't believe that everything is over *yet another journey will be more challenging tho* but I still feel grateful for it.

Ter gak nyangka kedua adalah, bisa lulus di bulan Agustus. Karena awalnya pasang target bulan November. Tapi karena didorongkan dengan sistem ukt yang jadi terkesan rugi kalau harus lulus November dan tambah adanya target dari jurusan buat meluluskan mahasiswanya "tepat waktu", jadilah target bergeser dan sebenernya di akhir-akhir pun ada drama yang udah bikin hopeless gak tau harus berani pasang target yang sama atau berusaha mengalah. Tapi Allaah Maha Baik memang. Aku diijinkan lulus Agustus.

Then now, how's life Jah?